The NADDRG 2022 Spring Symposium focused on Digital Image Correlation as applied to sheet metal forming and fracture. This meeting was co-sponsored by the North American Deep Drawing Research Group (NADDRG) and the Auto/Steel Partnership (A/SP).
It is NADDRG policy for each meeting to be off-the-record, with no handouts, to foster a free exchange of ideas. However, for this meeting, the Executive Committee and the presenters agreed to make the slides available to the public to better disseminate cutting-edge approaches and best practices.
Speakers and topics include:
- Mark Iadicola – Director of the NIST Center for Automotive Lightweighting and President of the International DIC Society:
- Dirk Mohr – Chair of Artificial Intelligence in Mechanics and Manufacturing, Institute for Virtual Manufacturing, ETH Zurich and Impact and Crashworthiness Lab, Department of Mechanical Engineering, MIT, Cambridge USA:
“From Planar to Surround DIC: Increasing the Robustness of Plasticity and Fracture Model Identification”
Email Dr. Mohr for more information. - Thomas Stoughton – Technical Fellow and Lu Huang – Senior Researcher, Manufacturing Systems Research Lab, General Motors Global R&D Center:
“Aggressive Use of DIC Technology to Improve Simulation of Metal Deformation”
- Cliff Butcher – Professor and Co-Director, Forming and Crash Lab, University of Waterloo:
“Fracture Characterization in Simple Shear Across Lengthscales using Optical Strain Measurement”
- Fadi Abu-Farha – President and Technical Manager, FADI-AMT:
“From Standard to High Speed DIC: Investigating Rate Effects on Formability and Fracture”
Email Dr. Abu-Farha for more information. - Yannis Korkolis – Professor, Integrated Systems Engineering, Ohio State University:
- Kaab Omer – Senior Formability Engineer, Novelis:
“Implementation of Curvature Neck Detection Methods”
- Gang Huang – Lead Research Engineer, ArcelorMittal Global R&D:
“Experimental Methods for the Determination of Forming and Fracture Limits of AHSS”
- Sergey Golovashchenko – Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department and Director, Center of Advanced Manufacturing and Materials, Oakland University:
“Determining Fracture Strain in Stamping Operations: Challenges and Opportunities”
- Hyunok Kim – Forming Center Director, EWI:
“Applications of the DIC Technique for Characterizing the Formability Limit of Laser-Welded Blanks”
Email Dr. Kim for more information.
Additional presentations will be uploaded at they become available.